Sunday, March 22, 2009

Bird Chirping

Winding up on the trail East of Summit Ave and West of Park Rd, there wasn't too much sound close by to record. I decided to place my microphones in a garbage alongside the trail to see what different sounds I could capture. The trees alongside the trail acted as a muffler to the traffic in the distance. Because of this, I was able to record a few birds chirping in the branches nearby (placemark 7 on googlemap).

Listen here.

Car Doors Galore

At this particular location, I decided to hang my microphones from a parking meter nearby and was able to record the sounds of car doors shutting.
Listen here.

Human Mumble and Honking Car

Continuing to follow the direction of my coin, I ended up alongside N. Prospect Ave. Eventhough Prospect Ave is usually a very busy street, there seemed to be less traffic at this particular time and I was able to capture more of the other sounds that were taking place, such as a small bit of conversation and a car honking further away from where I was.

Listen here.

Salt on Pavement

As I was walking along Brady Street, I couldn't help but capture the sounds that my feet were making as they came in contact with the salt on the sidewalks (placemark 5 on my googlemap).

Listen here.

Water Dripping

It was a sunny March afternoon when I decided to go on my drift 1 walk. Following the direction of my coin, I ended up with some neat recordings on Brady Street. This is one of my sound recordings taken on Brady Street. Because the sun was shining, a lot of the snow was melting. I came upon some water dripping off of a dumpster and placed my microphones close to the pavement in order to pick up the sound of the water hitting the puddle below (placemark 4 on my googlemap).

Listen here.